£15.00 GBP

Sugar Fix Recording

Recording available now!


 Has sugar got a hold on you?

If your sweet tooth is getting out of your control, then I have a really easy way to help you get off the sugar roller coaster and get a handle on cravings.

A high sugar diet increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, causes weight gain and plays havoc with our mood, sleep and well-being.

Whether your goal is to curb cravings, reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, or lose weight, this workshop has it all.  

You will discover: 

• A really simple strategy to help you kick the sugar habit, for good! 
• Lower sugar alternatives to curb the cravings  
• What, when and how to eat to prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes  

How much?

For £15 you'll get access to the recording and a detailed digital handout.